Gay sex clubs in honolulu

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Aku Bone Lounge and Grill – Kona St., Kaka’ako / Bar, Karaoke and live music, pupus / currently.Access – Puck’s Alley / Mid-90s era nightclub / Currently Nijiya Market *contributed by RDogg.N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z Oahu Bars & Nightclubs MemorializedĪ | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M That in mind, please keep your comments PG-13 rated.Īgain, like the ‘ Oahu Eateries Memorialized‘ and ‘ Oahu Eateries 50+ Club‘, this list is dynamic, intended to be contributed and modified by readers such as you! If you have any suggestions, additional information (location details, type of music, clientele, decor, notable club events) or corrections that need to be made, please leave them in comments or private eMail, and they will be kindly edited into the list.

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This alphabetically organized list* shall include ALL nightclubs & bars who have come and gone on Oahu, including restaurants that “moonlighted” as nightclubs, as well as those catered to alternative lifestyles, and adult entertainment. A reader recently commenting on the ‘ Oahu Eateries Memorialized‘ post mentioned some really old school Honolulu nightclubs, that those of you who remember them may have quite the story to tell… or keep hidden and buried deep in the closet! Therefore, let’s now create a master list of bygone bars & nightclubs on Oahu (Hawaii).

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